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Upcoming Handicapped scuba trips with:
Handicapped Scuba Association They usually go to Bon Aire; it's a great trip with a great group!
Dive Pirates They usually go to Cayman Brac. Another great trip with a great group.
Stay-Focused They also go to Cayman Brac but are specifically for disabled college students learning how to dive (if my understanding is correct.)

IF you are interested in reading equipment tests, travel reviews and all things scuba, be sure to check out PADI in the UK, Sport Diver (They also have some great photo contest. :-)
The Scuba Site
Book Travel with All Access Travel
Non-accessible (but still great) dive operators in the British Virgin Islands
Maritime Injury Center advocates on behalf of injured maritime workers. Maritime Injury Center is a detailed website featuring information about the Jones Act. Finding the right maritime lawyers is important in advocating for rights of a seafarers.
When in Marshall Islands be sure to check out the great hosts at YOKWE
When traveling to Calpe, Spain be sure to stay with the good folks at La Esperanza. Also check out the good folks at ABLESAFETY.

For disability resources, try Dive Without Fins and I Live With Disability
Diving Without Fins
For Mexican Vacations, try Mexico Beach
Zrii is a great health supplement; the best nutrition drink.Contact Marsha Her website
Additionally, you can always contact me to see where I'm going next :-) You may enjoy reading my Hawaii dive journal.
Please consider adopting a platoon to provide moral support for United States troops.
Here are some links you may enjoy:
Heavy Duty Straight Stair Lifts, Designed for Convenience
Center For Conscious Living
Mobility Fitness Equipment
Desert Divers
HSA International
Poseidon Scuba Adventures
Dive Pirates
Fighting 'Chair
International Association of Handicapped Divers
Mobility Fitness
Cody Unser's First Steps Foundation
Eels on Wheels
Provo Turtle
Moray Wheels- apparently is no longer in existence. Rusty, you really helped get me on track so long ago. You were a great dive instructor!
Save the Dolphins
Oxaty web directory